Tong Chai is a member of an unknown assassin squad, and gained the fifth most survival points during the 2017 March Tutorial.
Tong Chai is thin and generally wears a white turban.
Although he's usually rather reserved, he seems to enjoy talking to some extent. In addition, he was interested enough in Seol Ji-Hu's romantic endeavors to pay money to hear more, but he states he has never done such previously.
Powers & Abilities[]
Tong Chai is an assassin type archer class. As he's part of an assassination squad, earned fifth place in the tutorial and was capable of working without issue with the top-level team of the Neutral Zone, he's probably highly skilled in combat.
Tong Choi was assumed to have died from attempting a normal difficulty maze mission at the start of the Neutral Zone, but it turns out he only used as long as he did as his progress reset after he ran out of time.
Odelette Delphine[]
As Tong Chai worked in the same party as her for a large part of the Neutral Zone, they're probably very friendly with each other.
Hao Win[]
Much like Odelette, he worked in the same team as Hao Win during the Neutral Zone.
Salvatore Leorda[]
Same goes with Salvatore, but possibly to a lesser extent due to his introversion.
Seol Jihu[]
Although Seol only joined the team by the end of the Neutral Zone, they seemed to work together just as well as the original team, implying he's just as close with Seol as the rest of the team.
Later on after Eva has been taken over by Valhalla, Seol meets up with him to setup the assassination guild's new area within Eva under the condition that they work for Valhalla.