The Second Coming of Gluttony Wiki

Sinyoung, also known as Sinyoung Pharmacuticals on Earth, is the biggest and most powerful human organization in Paradise. Their headquarters are based in Scheherazade.


Established on Earth four years ago, located in Seoul, Korea, Sinyoung Pharamaceuticals is a medical research firm founded for purpose of developing new medicine but is in fact a front for the Sinyoung organization in the Lost Paradise who became the most powerful organization in Paradise following the suppression of the rebellion that occurred three years ago in Paradise time.

Known Members[]


Three years ago in Paradise time, a certain kingdom wishing for the Earthlings to be more proactive in the war against the Parasites allied with other like-minded kingdoms to back a more forceful method to push the Earthlings towards the direction of action they desired.

Several organizations chose to openly rebel against the new, unreasonable demands, resulting in a rebellion centered around the entire Southern region to form, causing the very first uprising to occur within the human alliance. In the end, the rebellion erupted into a full blown civil war.

Not every Earthling chose to participate in the conflict, with some choosing to support the allied royal families while most remained neutral. Sinyoung which had also remained neutral until then, then suddenly chose to declare their support of the royal family. Without enough military might to spearhead the quashing of the resistant forces by themselves, they turned towards their allies to help assist them and used that momentum to influence other neutral organizations to cooperate with them.

The most pivotal point in the suppression of the rebellion however, was the intervention of the first Gold Mark, the Irregular Unique Ranker Sung Shihyun, who had at some point in prior to the story, split from his partnership with fellow Executor Seo Yuhui after a falling out and joined Sinyoung. Encouraged by his combat prowess, Sinyoung was able to overturn the entire situation and achieve a sweeping victory against the rebels.

Although the royal families wished press forward even further and wipeout the rebellion's headquarters, under Sinyoung's moral pretext that a continuous fight between humans would only weaken them instead, chose to negotiate a ceasefire. Under the condition of that all the remaining rebels chose to relocate to the Southern city of Haramark, they were promised complete freedom, ultimately resulting in the only city free of the influence of Sinyoung.

